ASHISH DIXIT & ORS. vs STATE OF U.P. & ANR. (SC) (Criminal Appeal No. 43 of 2013) (SPL (CRL.) No. 8522 of 2010)
3. In the petition filed by respondent no.2, apart from arraying her husband and her parents-in-law as parties to the proceedings, has included all and sundry, as respondents. To say the least, she has even alleged certain actions said to have been done by the tenant whose name is not even known to her.
4. In a matter of this nature, we are of the opinion that the High Court at least should have directed that the petition filed by respondent no.2 be confined to her husband as also her parents-in-law and should not have allowed the impleadment of respondent nos.4 to 12.
5. In view of the above, while allowing this appeal in part, we quash the proceedings as against appellant nos.