In the High Court at …………..
(Criminal Miscellaneous Jurisdiction)
In the matter of an Application for anticipatory bail under section 439, Cr PC Shri……………………………………..……
son of Shri………………………………...
residing at………………..................... ............................................................................................................ Petitioner
The State ............................................................................................ Respondent To Chief Justice and His Companion Justices of the Hon'ble Court The humble petition of …………., the petitioner above-named RESPECTFULLY SHOWETH:-
1. That petitioner being an eminent trader with a long-standing business in ……………… and being an income-tax and sales-tax assessee.
2. Petitioner permanently reside in ………………...
3. Due to personal enmity, my neighbour, Mr ……………..., lodged a vexatious complaint against the petitioner before police alleging hurt..
4. That factually complainant intents humiliating/harassing applicant and tarnishing his image in society.. 5. Your petitioner fears that by said complaint the police may arrest petitioner by throwing the petitioner to mental harassment, trouble and physical inconvenience. 6. That the petitioner undertakes to obey all the terms/conditions as imposed upon him on order of bail. 7. That if anticipatory bail is not allowed the petitioner will suffer irreparable injury. 8. That the application is made bona fide and in the interest of justice. The petitioner humbly prays that Your Lordships may kindly pleased to instruct if petitioner being arrested concerning this case the petitioner will be released on bail immediately/or may pass such other order/orders as Your Lordships may deem proper and fit.
And your petitioner is duty bound, shall ever pray.
Advocate. Signature of Petitioner.
I, Shri………………………………………..……… son of Shri……………………………………….….., by occupation business, residing at………………………………………………………………………………………...… .................. do hereby solemnly affirm and say as follows:
1. I am the petitioner above-named. I know the facts of this case and I am able to depose thereto. 2. The statements in paragraphs 1 to 8 in the foregoing petition are true to my knowledge and belief. 3. I sign this verification on the …… day………….. in ……………………..
Solemnly affirmed by the said Shri………………day of ………………. in the Court at . DEPONENT
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