[See rule 29B]
Application by a person other than a banking company for a certificate under section
195(3) of the Income-tax Act, 1961, for receipt of sums other than interest
and dividends without deduction of tax
The Assessing Officer,
I, …………………………………, being the principal officer of....................................……..,
[name of the person, firm or company untitled to receive sums other than interest and dividends]
do hereby declare:
(a) that I/…………………………………………………………………………………….
[name of the firm, company, etc.]
am/is a non-resident assessee (not being a banking company) carrying on business/
profession in India through a branch(es) by name(s) ..............................…………………
having office(s) at......................................;
(b) that my head office/the head office of....................................…………………………..
[name of the firm, company, etc.]
is situated at ......................................................................................................................
[name of the place and country]
(c) that I/.................................................................................................................................
[name of the firm, company, etc.]
am/is entitled to receive income (other than dividends and interest) chargeable under the provisions
of the Income-tax Act, 1961, during the financial year …...... - ….......;
(d) that I/.................................................................................................................................
[name of the firm, company, etc.)
fulfil(s) all the conditions laid down in rule 29B of the Income-tax Rules, 1962.
I, therefore, request that a certificate may be issued authorising me/............................................................
[name of the firm, company, etc.]
to receive income other than interest or dividends without deduction of tax under sub-section (1) of section
195 of the Income-tax Act, 1961, during the financial year ....... - ........
I hereby declare that what is stated in this application is correct.
Date .......................
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