(See rule 44 A)
The Assessing Officer,
I request that a Certificate under sub-section (1) of Section 230A of the Income-tax Act, 1961 be granted to me.
I give below the necessary particulars :
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(To be filled in if the applicant is an individual) | |
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(ii) If no assessment has been made as stated above, whether a return has been submitted under ant of the said Acts for any year, and if so, the amount of income/wealth/expenditure/Gift returned for each such year and the Circle/Ward/District where such return has been filed. | |
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(ii) Names and addresses of all private limited companies in which applicant is or has been a director at any time after 1st April 1962 and the Circle/ Ward/ District in which each such company is assessed to tax. |
6. Particulars of existing tax liabilities as on the date of the application under :
C.A.P / Asst.Year | Amount Rs. | |
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(vii) the Gift tax Act, 1958 | ||
(If there is no existing liability against the applicant on the date of the application under any one of the aforesaid Acts, this should be indicated by writing ‘NIL’ against the name of the relevant Act.)
7. (i) Nature of the documents, i.e. whether a deed of sale, gift, settlement, lease, etc. proposed to be registered | |||
(ii) Nature of applicant’s right, title or interest to or in the property purported to be transferred, assigned, limited or extinguished. | |||
8. (i) In case the transferer is not the beneficial owner of or has no beneficial right or interest in the property proposed to be transferred, the name(s) and address(es) of the beneficial owner/ owners. | |||
(ii) In case the property is held by the applicant as a trustee agent, guardian or in any other capacity on behalf of any person or persons, the name(s) and address(es) of such other person/ persons. | |||
(To be filled in only if the beneficiary(ies) is/are chargeable to tax) | |||
C.A.P/Asst.Year | Amount Rs. | ||
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the Expenditure Act, 1957 | |||
the Gift tax Act, 1958 (Particulars should be given in a separate sheet ifm there are more than one such beneficiary) | |||
10. Date on which the right, title or interest to or in the property concerned was acquired. |
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on any distribution of assets on the total of partial partition of a Hindu undivided family.
(b) under a transfer to a revocable or an irrevocable trust, or (c ) any other mode not covered by the above. | |
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(ii) If the transfer is to be without consideration, the value for purposes of stamp duty. | |
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Designation and address of the registering officer to whom the document has been/will be presented for registration. | |
date when the transfer deed was registered and designation and address of the registering officer |
I declare that to the best of my knowledge and belief the information furnished above is correct complete and is truly stated.
Place : Yours faithfully,
Date : Signature
NOTES : 1. This application should be signed:
in the case of an individual, by the individual himself, where the individual is absent from India, by the individual concerned or by the some person duly authorised by him in his behalf; and where the individual is mentally incapacitated from attending to his affairs, by his guardian or by any other person competent to act on his behalf.
in the case of a Hindu undivided family, by the Karta, and where the Karta is absent from India or is mentally incapacitated from attending to his affairs, by any other adult member of such family.
in the case of a company or local authority, by the principal officer thereof
in the case of a firm, by any partner thereof, not being a minor
in the case of any other association or body of individuals, by any member of the association or body or the principal officer thereof, and
in the case of any other person by that person or by some person competent to act on his behalf;
This application should be submitted in duplicate and should be accompanied by a copy of the document which is to be registered.
The Registrar/Sub-Registrar,
The above mentioned applicant has been assessed/is assessable by me upto___________________
He/she/it has *no liabilities outstanding/made satisfactory provision for payment of taxes due under the Income-tax Act, 1961, Indian Income - tax Act, 1922; Excess Profits-tax Act, 1940; Business Profits-tax Act 1947; Wealth-tax Act, 1957; Expenditure-tax Act , 1957, and Gift-tax Act, 1958.
*The registration of the document mentioned against Item No. 7(i) of the application will not prejudicially affect the recovery of any of the taxes due under the Income-tax Act, 1961,Indian income -tax Act, 1922; Excess Profits-tax Act, 1940; Business Profits-tax Act, 1947; Wealth-tax Act, 19578; Expenditure-tax Act, 1957, and Gift-tax Act, 1958
Designation : Assessing Officer
*Delete the inappropriate words or paragraphs
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