[See rule 67A/rule 101A]*
Form of nomination
…………………………..……Provident Fund/ ……..........................................Gratuity Fund*
[name of fund]
[name of fund]
1. Name of employee ………………………………………........Surname ........................................
[in block letters]
2. Sex ................................................................................................................................. .....................
3. Religion ..................................................................................................................................................
4. Father’s name ........................................................................................................................................
5. Husband’s name ....................................................................................................................................
[for married woman only]
6. Marital status .........................................................................................................................................
[whether unmarried, married, widow or widower]
7. Date of birth: Day ..................................Month ...............................Year ..............................
8. Permanent address:
Village ............................... …Thana; …................................ Taluk/Sub-Division ..............................
Post Office ........................................ District ........................................ State
I hereby nominate the person(s) mentioned below to receive the
*amount that may stand to my credit in the provident fund
*amoiunt of gratuity in the event of my death before that amount becomes pay-
able or, having become payable, has not been paid, and direct that the said amount shall be distributed
among the said person(s) in the manner shown against their names :
Name and address of Nominee’s relationship Age of nominee *Amount or share
nominee or nominees with the employee
of accumulations
in the provident
or share of
gratuity to be
paid to each
3 4
*1. Certif ied that I have no family and should I acquire a family hereafter, the above nomination should
be deemed as cancelled.
*2. Certified that my father/mother/sister(s)/minor brother(s) is/are dependent upon me.
Dated this ........................................ day of ......................................…....... at ....................
Signature of employee
Two witnesses to signature
Certified that the above declaration has been signed by Shri/Shrimati ........................................
before me after *he / she has read the entries
*the entries have been read over to him / her by me
Date ....................
Signature of the trustee or any
person authorised by the
trustees in this behalf
*Delete the inapplicable words.
$ This column should be filled in so as to cover the whole of the amount that may stand to the credit of the
employee in the provident fund or the whole of the amount of gratuity that may be payable in the event of his
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