[See sub-rule (1) of rule 2DA ]
Application for approval of a Venture Capital Fund or a Venture Capital Company
1. Name and address of the Venture Capital Fund/Venture
Capital Company
2. Date and place of formation/incorporation (enclose a
copy of trust deed/certificate of incorporation under
Companies Act, 1956)
3. Objects of Venture Capital Fund/Venture Capital
(i) Main objects
(ii) Ancillary objects
4. Capital structure/shareholding pattern .............................................................
5. Present nature of business activities .............................................................
Number of years in that business .............................................................
6. Accounting policies (furnish description of significant
accounting policies)
7. Systems and procedures (furnish description of systems
and procedures and essential internal controls in order
to carry on the business)
8. Names of the associate organisations/group
9. Details of management :
(a) Names of managers, directors with their
experience, qualification and profession .............................................................
(b) Names of the key personnel .............................................................
(c) Organisational structure
(d) Board of Directors of associate organisations,
companies and their subsidiaries. .............................................................
10. Names and addresses of the Bankers .............................................................
11. Names and addresses of the auditors .............................................................
12. Court cases/litigations in which involved in the last
three years.
13. Names of the venture capital undertaking in which
investment have been made or proposed to be made,
along with details of such investment. .............................................................
Signature and designation of the applicant
I, .................................................................................................................................................................. do hereby
declare that what is stated above is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Place : ...........................
Date : ...........................
Signature and designation of the applicant
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