[See rule 14A]
Audit report under section 142(2A) of the Income-tax Act, 1961
*I/We have examined the balance sheet of ......................................…………………………..
[name and address of the assessee]
Permanent Account No.......................... as at......................and the profit and loss account for the year ended
on that date which are in agreement with the books of account maintained at the head office at............and
branches at..............
I/We have obtained all the information and explanations which to the best of my/our knowledge and
belief were necessary for the purposes of the audit. In *my/our opinion proper books of account have been
kept by the head office and the branches of the assessee visited by me/us so far as appears from my/our
examination of books, and proper returns adequate for the purposes of audit have been received from branches
not visited by *me/us subject to the comments given below:
In my/our opinion and to the best of my/our information and according to explanations given to *me/us,
the said accounts give a true and fair view—
(i) in the case of the balance sheet, of the state of the above named assessee’s affairs as at........., and
(ii) in the case of the profit and loss account, of the profit or loss of the above named assessee for the
accounting year ending on..............
The prescribed particulars and such other particulars as were required by the Assessing Officer
................................ by his order No. ........................ dated............... are annexed hereto. In *my/our opinion
and to the best of my/our information and according to explanations given to me/us, these are true and
1. *Delete whichever is not applicable.
2. **This report has to be given by the accountant nominated by the Chief Commissioner or Commis-
sioner of Income-tax under section 142(2A).
3. Where any of the matters stated in this report is answered in the negative or with a qualification, the
report shall state the reasons therefor.
Statement of particulars
1. Books of account maintained
2. Method of accounting employed. Indicate whether there is
any change from the method of accounting employed in the
immediately preceding previous year
3. (i) Method of valuation of opening and closing stock of—
(a) Raw materials
(b) Stores
(c) Work-in-progress
(d) Stock-in-trade
(ii) State whether there is any change in the method of valu-
ation of any of the aforesaid items as compared to the
method employed in the immediately preceding previ-
ous year
(iii) If the answer to (ii) above is in the affirmative, specify
the amount by which the profit or loss for the year has
been affected by such change
4. In respect of items manufactured, full quantitative details of
raw materials and finished products as indicated below :
Raw materials
(a) Opening stock
(b) Purchases during the year
(c) Consumption during the year
(d) Sales during the year
(e) Closing stock
(f) Yield of finished products
(g) Percentage of yield
(h) Shortage
Finished products
(a) Opening stock
(b) Purchases during the year
(c) Quantity manufactured during the year
(d) Sales during the year
(e) Closing stock at the end of the year
(f) Shortage and percentage thereof
Notes :
1. Separate quantitative details on the above lines should be
given in respect of by-products, if any.
2. Where the assessee is a dealer in goods, quantitative details
on the above lines should be given in respect of the goods
dealt in?
5. (i) Has the assessee conducted physical verification of raw
materials, stores and finished products, or the goods
dealt in?
(ii) Details of discrepancies, if any
6. (a) Amount of expenditure incurred by the assessee in
respect of:
(i) Advertisement
(ii) Maintenance of accommodation in the nature of
guest house
(iii) Travelling
(iv) Entertainment [including the amount of entertain-
ment allowance paid to any employee or other
(b) Whether the expenditure incurred by the assessee in
respect of any of the items referred to in (a) above ex-
ceeds the amount admissible under the Income-tax Act/
Rules? If so, give details.
7. Where the assessee is a firm, details of payments by way of
interest, salary, bonus, commission or remuneration to the
partners of the firm
8. Where the assessee is a company, give details of —
(i) Any expenditure which has resulted directly or indi-
rectly in the provision of any remuneration, benefit or
amenity to (a) a director; (b) a person who has a sub-
stantial interest in the company; and (c) a relative of
the director or of such person
(ii) Any expenditure or allowance in respect of assets of
the company used wholly or partly for the purposes or
benefit of any of the persons referred to in (i) above
[state whether any such person is an employee of the
assessee or not]
9. Details of amounts not deductible under section 40A:
(a) Particulars of payments which appear to be excessive
or unreasonable in terms of section 40A(2)(a)
(b) Particulars of payments in excess of Rs. 2,500 made
otherwise than by a crossed cheque or draft – section
(c) Particulars of expenditure or allowance in excess of the
limits specified in section 40A(5)(c)
(d) Particulars of expenditure incurred by way of fees and
salary to an ex-employee in excess of Rs. 60,000 – sec-
tion 40A(6)
(e) Provisions for payment of gratuity not allowable – sec-
tion 40A(7)
(f) Where the assessee is a company, the amount of inter-
est on deposits not allowable under section 40A(8)
10. Whether any amount is borrowed on a hundi from, or any
amount due thereon (including interest on the amount bor-
rowed) is repaid to, any person otherwise than through an
account payee cheque? If so, give details.
11. (a) Particulars of proforma credits/drawback/ refund of
duties of customs or excise or both/refund of sales tax.
Whether they have been credited to the profit and loss
(b) Particulars of expenditure/income of any earlier year
debited/credited to the profit and loss account of the
relevant previous year
(c) Particulars of any liability of a contingent nature deb-
ited to the profit and loss account
12. Particulars of each loan taken by the assessee (other than
any loan taken from a bank or financial institution) in the
following form:
(i) Name, address and permanent account number of the
(ii) Whether amount borrowed on hundi?
(iii) Whether loan account squared up during the year?
(iv) Maximum amount outstanding at any time during the
year and rate of interest paid
(v) Details of security including collateral security offered,
if any
(vi) Name and address of the guarantor, if any
13. Particulars of each loan/overdraft taken from a bank or fi-
nancial institution in the following form :
(i) Maximum amount outstanding at any time during the
(ii) Details of security including collateral security offered,
if any
(iii) Name and address of the guarantor, if any
14. Whether the assessee has deducted tax at source amount so
deducted to the credit of the Central Government in accor-
dance with the provisions of Chapter XVIIB? If not, give
details of defaults committed
15. (a) Details of taxes, duties, etc., paid by the assessee dur-
ing the previous year
(b) Whether any discrepancy has been noticed in the re-
spective dates of payments and the entries in the books
of account? If so, give particulars thereof
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