AA, aged about _______ years,
son of ______________________________, of _______ and
now residing at. ___________________________in the city of______________________ I hereby appoint my wife, __________________and eldest son, _____________________, joint executors of this my Will but if my said wife would marry before administration of my estate is completed or any one of the aforesaid executors should predecease me then the survivor shall act as sole executor of this my Will.
If any of my children should on my demise be minors then I direct that my friend Shri________________________, if he be alive, together with one of my major sons assume joint guardianship of the property of the said child or children. I leave and bequeath all my movable property in my residential house and the said house situated at________________________, in the city of__________________, to my wife, the said______________________, subject to the condition that she shall only have a life interest, with no power to encumber or mortgage the same in any manner whatsoever. On her death or on her remarriage the said house and all the movable property therein shall revert absolutely to my daughters then living in equal shares. To my two sons, _________________________ and_____________________, I leave and bequeath all the cash, securities, shares, debts and moneys whether at the bank or elsewhere in equal shares, my two remaining houses situated at. ____________________ and____________________ in the city of______________________, together with all movable properties therein_____________________, I leave and bequeath, the former to my eldest son and the latter to my younger son.
The residue of my property consisting of__________________________ and other property not disposed of above which I may die possessed of or entitled to I direct to be given to the church or temple of_____________________________________, for the purposes of its annual repairs and such other like uses as may be required from time to time.
In case I die leaving debts then such debts shall be payable from the immovable properties and all expenses of administration, death duties and deathbed charges shall be borne from the cash or the movable property not bequeathed to my wife, the aforesaid_____________________________ IN WITNESS whereof I, the said AA., have hereto signed at___________, this the____________________day of_______, 20_______, and I have also signed the addition on page one, line four of this my Will.
Sd. AA.
SIGNED by the said testator as his last Will, in the presence of us, present at the same time, who, at his request, in his presence and in the presence of each other, have subscribed our names as witnesses. The said testator having before signing the same, caused the words ___________________ to be inserted in the fourth line of page one.
Name and description of the said property
1. Sd. CC.
2. Sd. DD.
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