I, ________________________, do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as under :- 1. That I am owner of vehicle No. 2. That my above vehicle has met with an accident at on at about P.M. 3. That my above vehicle has been covered by Police and presently is under custody of Police. 4. That my above vehicle may be ordered to be released to me along with documents and license against proper security as required so that I can take it for necessary repairs immediately. 5. That I solemnly affirm and declare that this affidavit of mine is correct and true to the best of my knowledge and no part of it is false and nothing material has been concealed therein. Affirmed at………………………………….…………… this the _______ _________________Deponent
Application for release of vehicle
Respectfully Sheweth :
1. That my vehicle bearing No. has met with an accident at on at about P.M.
2. That my above vehicle has been covered by the Police and presently is under custody of the Police , Police Station . An F.I.R. No. , under Section 279, 337 of the Indian Penal Code has also been lodged by the Police Station. Necessary investigations have been completed by the police.
3. That I need the above vehicle to carry out its repairs.
4. That my above vehicle may be released to me along with documents and license against proper security and conditions as deemed fit and proper by this Hon'ble court so that I can carry out necessary repairs. 5. It is, therefore, the most humbly prayed that your honour be pleased to order the release of my above vehicle along with documents and license against the security and conditions as deemed fit and proper by your honour. Such other orders may also be passed in favour of the petitioner as deemed fit and proper by this Hon'ble Court in the facts and circumstances of the case. AND FOR THIS ACT OF KINDNESS, THE HUMBLE APPLICANT AS IN DUTY BOUND, SHALL EVER PRAY. ………………………………………… Applicant
______________________ Through, Advocate
Affidavit in support of application for release of vehicle.
I, _______, do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as under:- 1. That the accompanying application has been prepared under my instructions. 2. That the contents of paras 1 to 5 of the accompanying application are correct and true to the best of my knowledge. 3. That I further solemnly affirm and declare that this affidavit of mine is correct and true, no part of it is false and nothing material has been concealed therein. Affirmed at ……………………this the Deponent
In F.I.R. No. __________ dated ___________
Under Section 279 & 337 of the Indian Penal Code Police Station : ____________________
Whereas I, _______________ , am lawful owner of vehicle bearing No. _______ __________AND WHEREAS I being a legal owner of aforesaid vehicle, am competent to move an application for release of the vehicle bearing No. __________________, which has met with an accident _______, within the jurisdiction of Police Station ______________ and this Hon'ble court and the vehicle has been impounded by Police Station ____________, police Chowki ____________ on ___________ in F.I.R. No. ______________, case lodged under Section 279 & 337 of the Indian Penal Code. AND WHEREAS Hon'ble court has been pleased to release the said vehicle along with documents and license in favour of the applicant after furnishing Vakalat Nama to the satisfaction of this Hon'ble court to the tune of Rs. __________.
AND WHEREAS now therefore I the above named executants do hereby furnish requisite Vakalat Nama to the satisfaction of Hon'ble court to take delivery of aforesaid vehicle along with documents and license and further undertakes to produce the same as and when directed to do so, failing which I hereby undertake to forfeit the said referred sum to the government of ________________.
IN WITNESSES WHEREOF the executants has executed the Vakalat Nama here at ………………………………. on this the EXECUTANT WITNESSES :- 1.________________ 2.__________________
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