Sale deed made this _______ day of _______ 20______,
by AA., son of _________________________ of ___________ (Vendor) of the one part,
in favour of BB. son of _____________________ of ____________________
and CC, son of _______________________, of ___________________(Purchasers) of the other part: WHEREAS the said AA. being now absolutely entitled free from encumbrances to the premises hereinafter described had agreed/is agreeable to sell the same to the said BB. and CC. absolutely and free from encumbrances for the sum of Rs__________ (in words, rupees _______________________________) : NOW THIS INDENTURE WITNESSES that in consideration of the sum of Rs_____________ (in words, rupees ____________________________ ), now paid by the said BB. and CC. in equal shares from and out of the moneys belonging to them (the receipt of which sum the said AA. hereby acknowledge) he, the said AA., hereby sells and conveys to the said BB. and CC. all that house with land No__________ situate at __________________ Road in the city of ______________________ in the District of _______. (with the boundaries thereof more particularly described in the Schedule hereto): To hold the same and to the use of the said BB. and CC. as tenants-in-common in equal shares forever. The Schedule above referred to
Description of the Property hereby sold.
All that house with land measuring __________________ together with all the buildings thereon and the appurtenances, fixtures and fittings thereto bearing municipal number _______ of _______ /Road/Mohalla/in the town of _______ and bounded as follows: On the North by _______
On the East by _______
On the South by _______
On the West by _______
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the above named AA. has executed this instrument on the date first hereinabove mentioned. Sd. AA.
Vendor. Witnesses:
1 _______
2 _______
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