I, ………….,…………………………………………………………………
S/O ______________________________________
of _____________________, have
this _________ day of _________ 20 _________
borrowed from………………………………………………….
S/O _____________________________________,
the sum of Rupees _____________ (in words _______________________________________________)
to be repaid by the following -
installments, namely, the sum of Rupees _________ on the _________day of _________, 20 _________, the sum of Rupees ______________on the _________day of _________, 20 _________ and the residue of the said sum of Rupees _____________(principal) on the __________________ day of _________, 20 _________, and shall pay, together with each instalment, interest at the rate ofRupees _________ per cent per annum upon the said principal sum of Rupees _________ or so much thereof as shall for the time being remain unpaid, but if the said installments are duly paid, without any deduction or default, the said interest shall be paid at the reduced rate of _________per cent per annum.
(Sd.) ………………………………………………….…….. in the presence of
____________________S/O ____________________
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